The weekly School Newsletter Bourke Street Billboard is pushed out to parents on the SENTRAL app every Friday afternoon. It is not available on this website.
Our primary form of communication to parents is through the app and portal SENTRAL.
1. Please log on to the Internet and register for access to our Parent Portal here: https://bourkest-p.sentral.com.au/portal/register
You must use a valid email address to create your username.
2. Once successfully registered you will be prompted to enter your username (email address) and the password you created.
3. To see information from the school and to link to a specific child, please enter the access key provided.
The school will issue you with an access key for your child.
Accessing the Sentral for Parent App is easy, just follow the instructions below.
1. Download the 'Sentral for Parents' app from the App Store or Google Play store.
2. Search for Bourke Street Public School.
3. Click Register Here to register for a new account. You will receive a verification email which MUST be verified to continue.
4. Once verified, log into the app with your credentials.
5. Enter the access key you have been provided above, to connect to your child/children.
If you require a second access key, please contact the office and they will issue you with one.
I am confident that you will see the benefits of your registration immediately and be part of our journey in providing this facility to you.
As we progress this initiative, I am confident that the Parent Portal and APP will become more and more significant in your day to day management of your child's enrolment at our school.